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Contact us

Need to contact us or find out more about our services?


Marcus Hunt
Business Development Director

Green Gas Solutions

Green Gas Enquiries
greengasenquiries@sgn.co.uk   0800 044 5055

Alan Midwinter
Head of Biomethane
alan.midwinter@sgn.co.uk   0800 044 5055

Craig Clark
Senior Commercial Manager
craig.clark@sgn.co.uk   0800 044 5055

Duncan Cook
Contracts & Operations Manager
duncan.cook@sgn.co.uk   0800 044 5055

Gas Metering Services

Metering Enquiries
metering.enquiries@sgn.co.uk    0800 980 0411

You can also call our customer phone number for free on 0800 912 1700. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm.