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Safety & Environment

Our goal

To have robust and effective arrangements in place that will support the delivery of world class performance in health, safety, environmental and asset management performance.


Safety, Health and Environment Strategy 2021

In 2021 we published our Safety, Health and Environment Strategy that sets out our strategic aims and objectives to be delivered via a three-year action plan.

Safety, Health and Environment Strategy 2021


Safety first

Safety first is one of our core values – it’s a priority for both us, and our customers.  We take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of those around us.  One of our overriding safety goals is to ensure everyone is safe and warm in their homes and benefiting from the service we provide.  In addition, we are committed to ensuring the wider public are kept safe whether they are driving vehicles, or are pedestrians encountering our works or equipment.


Our safety commitment

We're committed to ensuring safety and it's our key priority to keep our customers, our people and the public safe both in and around our activities. 

For our own people, we’re dedicated to keeping them safe and ensuring no harm comes to them when carrying out their duties.

Safety extends well beyond our own workforce as we employ engineering contracting partners to help us deliver the wide range of services we undertake. Here we insist and ensure all our contract partners values match ours.


Our vison – environment & climate change

We will build a shared net zero future with an ambition of achieving net zero by 2045 across our networks; by accelerating decarbonised energy solutions and create positive environmental impact; and by supporting the development of a future for heating that is sustainable, affordable and reliable.


Environment and climate change in SGN

The energy industry is changing fast and critical decisions on future heat policy will be made in the next five-year planning period. Our cutting-edge research, development and demonstrations of greener gas will provide the evidence needed to support these complex decisions and resolve uncertainty about the future of gas networks. 

Our customer and stakeholder engagement, as well as research, show that actions where we reduce our impact on the environment (e.g. shifting to an electric vehicle fleet and using renewable sources of electricity to power our offices and depots) are the areas where customers are willing to pay the most. That is why we are working towards minimising our own carbon footprint to help the UK decarbonise further and faster.

We are preparing for a changing climate to ensure that our assets and our people can safely continue to operate in light of more frequent weather events such as flooding, land erosion and heatwaves.


Saravanan Singaram
Compliance and Quality Manager