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We are committed to the UK’s net-zero targets and have invested widely in commercial ventures, biomethane assets and projects.

Biomethane Investments

Our investment in biomethane assets has enabled 100,000 homes to be supplied with green gas which equates to a carbon equivalent saving of 220,000 tonnes per annum.

We are committed to the UK’s net-zero targets and have directly invested over £40 million in unregulated biomethane assets and ventures.

We are supporting SGN with it’s aims to supply 450,000 properties to with green gas by the end of the RIIO-GD2 price control period in 2026 and will continue to explore green investment opportunities.


Alan Midwinter
Head of Biomethane
0800 044 5055

Murphy Utility Assets

Our wider business has recently entered into a 50:50 joint-venture with Murphy and created Murphy Utility Assets (MUA).

MUA has been established as a utility connections asset owner and plans to enter the market for both Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs) and Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs).

Initially, MUA will focus on taking on gas and electricity infrastructure assets across the UK but there are longer term plans to develop a ‘one-stop shop’ for all utility infrastructure on new developments. This will include future energy solutions such as heat networks.

Click here for MUA



Marcus Hunt
Business Development Director

Case studies